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Head of Marketing & Communications

2024 construction tech trends by GAMMA AR

2024 Construction Tech Trends

Alex Sidorov, COO and CFO at GAMMA AR, shares with us his predictions concerning 2024 construction tech trends in a Medium article.

Construction project management team on construction site

Successful Construction Project Management: The 5 Phases

Construction Project Management (CPM) stands as a crucial pillar in the realm of construction, blending technology, strategic planning, and robust leadership. This article brings a comprehensive approach that spans from the initial design phase to the final project closure. Each phase carries its unique set of challenges and opportunities.

In addition, we will have a look at how the integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Augmented Reality (AR) significantly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of construction projects.

Augmented reality in construction with GAMMA AR

Revolutionize Your Construction Projects with Our Augmented Reality App

In the rapidly evolving landscape of construction technology, augmented reality (AR) is emerging as a game-changer. Imagine being able to visualize construction projects in real-time, overlaying digital models onto physical spaces. This is the promise of a Construction Augmented Reality App, and it’s reshaping the industry from the ground up.

feature image save time with gamma ar


In the realm of construction, time is money, and efficiency is paramount. That’s why the emergence of GAMMA AR has been a game-changer for people seeking streamlined coordination with subcontractors, accurate plan-to-as-built comparisons, and effective clash detection on the construction site. This article dives into an eye-opening infographic that showcases just how much time customers can save by adopting GAMMA AR in their construction projects.